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Update your SCE Flashcards to the 7th Edition

The SCE Flashcards were updated for 2024. Now featuring over 500 flashcards in 14 categories, we have meticulously updated our guidelines, revamped our Cochrane section, revised our law section to reflect new changes, plus the flashcards now include two up-to-date 100-question mock exam papers, complete with full explanations, links, and references.

Please follow the process below for your discounted update.

Original Serial Number:

Please allow up to 48 hours for delivery of your update. PayPal receipts will show ‘Jonathan Pickard’

Please try to use the same name and email address you originally used when purchasing your flashcards to avoid delays in verifying your update.


*Flashcards still require Flashcard Hero™ app. Price shown is for update only. You must already own the SCE Flashcard deck to be eligible for this update price. After verification of the original purchase, eligible individuals will be sent a full copy of the current edition of the SCE Flashcards. Updates are non-transferrable, and Pallmedpro reserves the right to decline to update flashcard decks or seek further clarification where serial numbers, email addresses, or delivery emails do not match our records, or if we are unable to verify your original flashcard purchase. In such cases where updates are declined, your payment will be returned, less any fees charged by PayPal in the handling of the refund. Clicking the button will redirect you to PayPal for secure payment. Pay by debit, credit or PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account already. Delivery is via email address specified during payment, usually within 48 hours. Please ensure your mailbox can accommodate total attachments of around 15MB.

Please note: Flashcard Hero™ is a trademark of Kitestack software, and is in no way affiliated with Pallmedpro or the SCE Flashcard resource. The Palliative Medicine SCE Flashcards are produced solely as an unofficial revision aid and quick reference for the Specialty Certificate Examination in Palliative Medicine. They are in no way affiliated with or endorsed by The Royal Colleges or the Specialty Certificate Examination. Mock questions have been written based upon the style of the SCE questions: Pallmedpro partners are not RCP question writers and practice questions featured in this resource are original to the best of our knowledge and belief. The authors of these cards provide them to you as compiled revision notes and are not the originators of the work presented on these cards. Sources have been referenced and reproduction permissions sought wherever possible. Whilst every effort is made to keep the content of these cards up to date, the authors take no responsibility for inaccuracies or outdated information contained within this revision resource and reiterate that this is an examination reference, and as such, should not be used to guide real-world clinical practice. For more information, contact info@pallmedpro.co.uk

© PALLMEDPRO 2019-2024 Pallmedpro, the SCE Revision Course and the Palliative Medicine SCE Flashcards are in no way affiliated with nor endorsed by the Royal College of Physicians or the Specialty Certificate Examination (SCE). The Pallmedpro partnership plays no role in the setting or administration of the Specialty Certificate Examination.